Unit 1: Knowing our Animal Diversity

Hello guys, welcome to this unit!

In the following video you will discover some of the diversity of animals that we have here in our country. Please watch it.


Hope you have enjoy it exploring those beautiful animals, now check the following game and search the name of the animals seen on the video

Good luck! 👍

4 comentarios:

  1. I think your video is very good, the time is perfect, it is not very long and the topic is interested for the kids. Good job

  2. Your video is very good, it gives important information about images and the audio is very reliable. Good job!!!

  3. The video is acccordint to topic, the song and images are good. I like this video.

  4. The quality of the video es perfect, the tone of your voice and yout pronunciation too. It is a good way of introducing the topic.
