Unit 2: Let's describe animals

Mandy the little sheep

Pre-listening activity 

1. Practice the vocabulary learned the previous classes

2. Match the images of the animals and the adjectives with their correspondent name in English.

While listening activity 

Fill the blank spaces with the name of the animals of the story  that correspond to each description. In the box you will have the names written to help you.


Post listening activity 

Draw the character of the story that you like the most according to the description given in the audio.

3 comentarios:

  1. I think your audio was very good, the volume was good and the tale was interested. Very good

  2. The audio is clear, the pronunciation and time is perfect.

  3. I loved the story on the podcast. The time, level and pronunciation was good. I liked that you played with your tone of voice. The purpose was clear. The activities sounded interesting, but I could not see it on the blog. You need to add the activities in your blog. Good job!
