Unit 4: What are the animals needs?

Resultado de imagen para hello
Welcome my dear students, in this unit you will learn about some of the basic needs required for the animals to survive.

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Watch the following video, it will give you the informantion that you need for this unit.

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After watch the video, copy and paste the following link and answer all the questions, remember to put the correct code to can develop the activity.

Good luck!


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Hey! my dear students here I attached you the link for an incredible story called "Koko the hungry crocodile" in the story you can appreciate some of the basic needs of the characters.

Hope you enjoy it.


To conclude here are some links that can be very helpul for you to continue learning. Check them!

1. http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/

1 comentario:

  1. Your blog is well planned and according to the criteria given: it contains a blog plan and a graphic organizer (it is separated)
    Most resources are properly posted in the blog: videos, presentations, Webquest, E-book, survey and suggested links.
    The blog is appealing; it shows your creativity divided in the 4 units. You include some resources that will help students to reach the goal.
    The activities are briefly contextualized and some of them use dividers.
    Continue working on your blog, Good job!
